NBER Call for Papers for International Finance and Macroeconomics Data Session
The NBER International Finance and Macroeconomics (IFM) group is inviting proposals for the IFM Data Session (IFMDS). The workshop will take place on July 10, 2024.
We are planning for an in-person meeting in Cambridge, MA. The workshop will also be streamed live on the NBER YouTube Channel.
The presentations in the session will focus on empirical research in international finance and macroeconomics. We strongly prioritize papers where a major component of the research is the construction of original data. We encourage submission both of working papers and of published work where the underlying data is made available for other researchers (subject to proper attribution). Presentations of official and commercial data sources are also welcome and should
include information on how to obtain access to the data as well as any restrictions on the use of the data and any costs of obtaining the data.
The deadline for submissions for is 11:59 pm (EST) on March 21. We will consider both completed papers as well as one-page presentation proposals. If you are submitting a proposal rather than a paper, please include a brief description of the data source, an explanation of why the data would be useful to a broad set of researchers, and a reference to papers that have successfully used these data.
Submissions for proposed presentations and data catalogue entries should be submitted via http://papers.nber.org/confsubmit/backend/cfp?id=SI24IFMDS. Unfortunately, NBER is unable to provide any travel funding for presenters at IFMDS session.
Papers by researchers with and without NBER affiliations, by early career scholars, and by researchers from under-represented groups, are welcome. Invitations and logistical information will be sent out by early May.
The NBER has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discrimination or harassment at both in-person and virtual meetings. All invitees will be required to agree and comply with the NBER Conference Code of Conduct. (https://www.nber.org/code-conduct-nber-conferences)
Chenzi Xu and Jesse Schreger