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Our paper “Internationalizing like China” is now forthcoming in the American Economic Review. We investigate the foreign holdings of Renminbi bonds and provide a theoretical framework to understand China's strategy to internationalize its currency. For more details, read the paper or a non-technical brief.
Selected media coverage: Bloomberg | The Economist | Business Insider | Bloomberg
Stanford Impact Labs (SIL) has announced a $2.5 million investment over five years to support GCAP’s data-driven, solutions-focused efforts to improve international economic policy. Learn more here.
Our review article “Global Capital Allocation” by Sergio Florez-Orrego, Matteo Maggiori, Jesse Schreger, Ziwen Sun, and Serdil Tinda has been published in the Annual Review of Economics, Volume 16, 2024.
Our paper “Corporate Debt Structure with Home and International Currency Bias” by Matteo Maggiori, Brent Neiman, and Jesse Schreger has been published in the IMF Economic Review, August 2024.
The agenda for the the 2nd Annual GCAP Conference is now available. It can be viewed here or on the GCAP conference event website.
The Banque de France and the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) awarded the 2024 Junior Prize for Money and Macroeconomics to our Co-Director Matteo Maggiori in recognition of his work on capital flows, the determinants of international currencies and their role in financial integration.
To learn more, watch the full award ceremony or view the press release or detailed appendix.
In the News
“Making the yuan a global currency is at the center of Chinese President Xi Jinping's ambition to create a ‘modern financial system with Chinese characteristics.’ That goal has faced challenges, however, including capital controls in China and the currency's limited convertibility. Matteo Maggiori, Moghadam Family Professor of Finance at Stanford Graduate School of Business, and Bloomberg Intelligence Chief Asia FX and Rates Strategist Stephen Chiu speak on ‘Bloomberg: The China Show.’”
The ECB biennial report on financial integration and structure in the Euro Area uses GCAP’s research showing that integration has been lower and different than previously understood.
Maggiori and Schreger join the Macromusings podcast to talk about their GEOECONOMICS research, joint with Chris Clayton. How and why governments use their countries' economic strength from existing financial and trade relationships to achieve geopolitical and economic goals.
“I think most trade and investment relationships between America and China are best left to private decisions,” says Matteo Maggiori of Stanford University. “But it would make sense to restrict trade and investment in some highly sensitive areas, such as port infrastructure and defence.” This would reduce, though not eliminate, the potential damage that China could do if it turned truly hostile to the West. Economists including Mr Maggiori are working on models to inform politicians about which sectors should be protected, and how.”
Jesse Schreger joins the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Economics as a Co-Editor.
Jesse Schreger testifies before the House Financial Services Committee Subcommittee on National Security, Illicit Finance, and International Financial Institutions on the "International Financial Institutions in an Age of Great Power Rivalry."