lecture videos, Code & data from the Big-Data Initiative in International MAcro-Finance

opening remarks


Opening Remarks - Matteo Maggiori, 2020


tOPIC 1: GLobal Capital Allocation


Public Data in International Macro-Finance - Jesse Schreger, 2023


Global Capital Allocation: Home Currency Bias - Matteo Maggiori, 2023


Global Capital Allocation: Tax Havens - Antonio Coppola, 2023


Topic 2: Currency Risk Premia and Covered Interest Parity


Exchange Rate Determinants - Hanno Lustig, 2020


FX Returns and Aggregate Risk - Adrien Verdelhan, 2020


Covered Interest Rate Parity - Wenxin Du, 2020


Currency Risk Premia and Covered Interest Rate Parity Part 1 - Hanno Lustig, 2023


Currency Risk Premia and Covered Interest Rate Parity Part 2 - Arvind Krishnamurthy, 2023


TOPIC 3: Exchange Rates, Prices, and Trade: Theory and Microdata


Exchange Rate Passthrough: Theory - Brent Neiman, 2020


Exchange Rate Passthrough and PPP in Data - Alberto Cavallo, 2020


Price Scraping and the Billion Prices Project - Alberto Cavallo, 2020


Applications: Currency Unions and Trade War - Alberto Cavallo, 2020


Dynamic Trade Models with PPP Failures - Brent Neiman, 2020

Topic 4: Historical Data in International Macro-Finance


Historical International Macro-Finance Data Sources - Chenzi Xu, 2021


Historical International Macro-Finance Data Sources - Chenzi Xu, 2023


Historical International Macro-Finance Data Sources - Chenzi Xu, 2024


Topic 5: Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence


Introduction to Machine Learning Methods - Susan Athey, 2021


Longitudinal Data and Matrix Factorization - Susan Athey, 2021


Generative Artificial Intelligence and Economic Applications - Susan Athey, 2023


Topic 6: Global Firm Dynamics, Productivity, (Mis)Allocations


Misallocation Concepts - Pete Klenow, 2020


Misallocation Facts - Pete Klenow, 2020


Corporate Leverage, Credit Cycles & Growth: Insights from Europe, United States, & Emerging Markets - Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, 2021


Real and Financial Linkages at the Firm Level: Data and Identification - Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, 2021


The Facts of Economic Growth - Charles I. Jones, 2021


Using the IPUMS Census / ACS Data - Charles I. Jones, 2021


Topic 7: Text-based Methods


Measuring Uncertainty with Text - Nicholas A. Bloom, 2021


Earnings Conference Calls and Other Firm Disclosures - Tarek Hassan, 2021


Job Postings & Patents - Tarek Hassan, 2021


Topic 8: Identification in Macro


Identification in Macro - Emi Nakamura, 2023


Topic 9: Global Corporate Profit Sharing


Global Corporate Profit Shifting - Gabriel Zucman, 2023


Topic 10: Exchange Rate Determination when Financial Markets Are Imperfect


Exchange Rate Determination When Financial Markets Are Imperfect - Matteo Maggiori, 2023


Topic 11: Input-Output Networks in International Economics


Input-Output Networks in International Economics - David Baqaee, 2024


Topic 12: Geoeconomics


Geoeconomics (Part 1, Theory) - Matteo Maggiori, 2024


Geoeconomics (Part 2, Empirics) - Jesse Schreger, 2024